beyond your comfort zone

Have seen many amazing animal videos since childhood, but this was quite incredible. The comments are based on the video below, and are only relevant if you watch it. Usually langurs give out an alarm call, but the langur mother here is very calm…

beyond artificial intelligence

There is more than one kind of intelligence… We could discover more of our natural intelligence.

chiguru – morning 4-Mar

The spectacular coral tree has so many guests If you just can’t get enough of it, you can look at this video – better still find one in your neighborhood and spend some time with it.

morning walk 2-Mar

radio discussion on forest

Lively in-depth discussion (Kannada) on the Turahalli Forest @SiridaniP ಸಿರಿದನಿ SIRIdani – broadcast channel addresses education, culture, social issues & youth – in depth discussion with experts.