just another sunset

(Just a short video)

Just another heavenly painting in the sky… meeting the silence of the night 🙂

On some days the rays of light look quite radiant…

With a camera/mobile camera, we may feel “[Click] I got the sunset”

But the more we listen, the more we can see that the colorful sky is part of a gradual transformation… of light, temperature, and a wide range of sounds.

If you are directly in contact with nature; if you watch the movement of a bird on the wing, see the beauty of every movement of the sky, watch the shadows on the hills or the beauty on the face of another, do you think you will want to go to any museum to look at any picture?

J Krishnamurti

One of the special things about a naturalist Deepa, is preserving her ability to question.

She speculated… Going to a museum is good in a different way!

Definitely a very valid point!

What I understood from the quote, is that a museum is only an example in its context.

The main emphasis is on our habit of looking for some forms of entertainment, ignoring what is already present around 😃 Entertainment is of course part of our life, but we can draw inspiration to reduce our dependency on it in any free time we get.

Like King Midas who loved Gold… and why not… gold is pretty and monetarily valuable. He got a boon where he was able to touch anything and see it become gold. He hwad a great time accumulating a lot of gold with everything he touched. But when he touched his son, who also turned to gold… he realized the value of something beyond gold. Beyond the glitter of gold, there was the love for his son, that he could relate to much more.

If we can see beyond entertainment, at the magic in nature already around us, we can relate more to all her different forms. If we can learn to look at ordinary things we take for granted with a fresh perspective, we can notice beauty and simplicity. We can learn to listen to simple things around us that really matter, and are closer to our heart.

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