being with birds

On an afternoon walk, there were birds all around, and it looked like the slightest movement would drive them off. Standing still and listening, apart from their sounds, there are the sounds of their movements among the leaves all around… captured in audio/video to…

missing some vitamin sea

With all the restrictions, its been quite a while since we saw the sea đŸ˜‰ just recalling some creatures… Just a brief idea for any experienced swimmer to go underwater in a sea – the sound of bubbles and waves around are quite an…

turtle or tortoise? …or terrapin?

The distinction between a turtle, tortoise or terrapin comes from what habitat they are adapted to live in. Marine-based turtles spend most of their lives at sea, only returning to land to lay eggs. Their shells are flat and streamlined to help reduce drag…

open space around mandya

Mandya’s usually considered as an intermediary milestone along the way to Mysore or any other place… we never imagined we’d actually go to this place for a visit. But when we did go to a homestay over here, the surroundings were quite unexpected. We’d…

beyond the walls

Beyond the confined walls of any gated community, when families venture out after a long period of confinement, they can experience the joy of discovering together. Having experienced the rich nature in the Turahalli Forest, we miss our nature walks a lot, as the…

in the interest of landscaping

This was one of the plants a little too tall in the fence and was going to be trimmed by the gardeners. Reminded me of a science fiction novel, where the Earthlings suddenly find that the Earth is due for demolition for construction of…

flying to be free

As J Krishnamurti says, “It is only the truth that liberates, not your effort to be free“

freedom from the idiot box

That’s well known, but its SO irresistible… And in today’s world, it would be youtube and whatsapp and other social media. If we take a break, we can relearn to breathe…

dusk to night

A sky’s view perspective of the transition from dusk to night, seen on two evenings. Different clouds at different altitudes, may move around in different directions… at the same time.

beyond the concrete jungle

On Kanakapura road, off Vajarahalli Road before the NICE road flyover, created by the efforts of the KFD and various supporters, there’s a mini jungle one can walk around. The Turahalli Tree Park is a lovely green space with a variety of trees to…